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ILTER 3rd OSM 2024

International Long Term Ecological Research Network

3rd Open Science Meeting

Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China

14-19 October 2024

Hosted by

Chinese Ecosystem Research Network


Photo by Zhe Zhang

The International Long Term Ecological Research Network 3rd Open Science Meeting to be held in Xishuangbanna, China



The International Long Term Ecological Research Network 3rd Open Science Meeting is approaching, and the conference manual is available for your reference. Click the button below to download the electronic version of the conference manual.


The ILTER OSM is an international academic conference and held every three years. It is the gathering of the global Long-Term-Ecosystem-Research community and interested representatives of other fields. For latest information, please visit the events section on the ILTER website.


There will be five overarching themes, a range of special sessions, and well-known guest speakers. The meeting will encompass academic sessions and workshops, plenary lectures, social events and a field trip. Do not miss this opportunity to exchange knowledge and network with the global LTER community and further interested researchers and stakeholders.


We look forward to meeting with you in China in October!


The ILTER OSM Organizing Committee

General Themes


Sensitivity, mechanisms and adaptation of biodiversity and ecosystem functions to global change.


Environmental pollution, ecosystem restoration and management.


Ecological and social ecological resilience against shocks from pandemics to climate change.


New technologies and infrastructures for ecosystem research and biodiversity.


Application of ILTER science to environmental issues.



The International Long Term Ecological Research Network, ILTER, is a network of networks, encompassing hundreds of research sites located in a wide array of ecosystems that can help understand environmental change across the globe. ILTER's focus is on long-term, site-based research and monitoring. 

ILTER’s vision is a world in which science helps prevent and solve environmental and socio-ecological problems. ILTER contributes to solving international ecological and socio-economic problems through question and problem-driven research, with a unique ability to design collaborative, site-based projects, compare data from a global network of sites and detect global trends.

Specifically, the purpose of ILTER is to provide a globally distributed network and infrastructure of long-term research sites for use in the fields of ecosystem, biodiversity, critical zone and socio-ecological research, and to secure highest quality interoperable services in close interaction with related regional and global research infrastructures and networks.


 ILTER organizes an Open Science Meeting (OSM) every three years to foster scientific exchange and community building within and beyond the ILTER networks around the globe.



Call for registration and call for abstracts open.


Please click the button to register for the OSM and submit your abstracts.


The OSM registration deadline is August 31, and the abstrct submission deadline is August 31.


Photo by Zhang Liven

ILTER 3rd Open Science Meeting  14-19 October 2024

Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China

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